Deadline in January Don’t be Caught Out

The next deadline for submitting your tax return falls on 31 January and this is for online submissions. Don’t forget about this deadline. If you have any queries regarding your tax affairs please contact us. We can help with personal and business tax returns and ensure that your financial records and books are up to date. Don’t fool yourself into thinking the deadline is open to negotiation. HM Revenue and Customs reveal here the top 10 worst excuses for missing the deadline. If you are planning to make 2017 the year you take the plunge into self-employment, speak to us.
Deadlines for Tax Returns 2016

Different ways to submit your tax return Depending on how you choose to submit your tax return, the deadline for submitting it will be different. Paper tax returns need to be filed by 31 October. So for tax returns relating to the year April 2015 to April 2016, for example, all paper returns should be submitted by 31 October 2016. If you are not registered to file your tax return online you have already missed the deadline for paper returns. Contact us on 01677470780 if you are worried in any way about your tax submissions. Ask for Jenny. I can help.